Chances are, if you spend a lengthy period on a boat there will come a time when you have to get intimate with the heads. Our old boat, Silurian, had these amazing bronze contraptions (I think they were old Wilcox Crittenden) which it ended up being my job to service. I can honestly say that by the end I had developed a bit of an affection for them; they seemed almost tolerant of my slightly ham fisted efforts to repair them and would work even when I twisted the gaskets and put things back in the wrong order. So, it was with some trepidation that we decided to go for electric heads on Calypso - because of the tiny amount of water used - therefore taking up less space in the black water tank. I had this sort of sense of dread whenever my mind wandered to that area of the boat, which really wasn't a good start. Then I spoke to the people that know about bogs at Lee Sanitation and they persuaded me that a good quality hand pump toilet with a good dry flush option would be fine. It was like a cloud lifting. I'm now looking forward to the arrival of a new friend from Germany - hopefully this one will be as tolerant.
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